Friday, August 23, 2013

Lessons learned in pregnancy photos

Over the last 29 and a half weeks I have come to realize a few of "rules" in taking photos of a pregnant belly.

The first is the only one that bugs me really. The younger you are the more "okay" it is for you to put on a pair of underwear and MAYBE a bra, take a 'selfie' in the mirror and then post it to the internet. I am afraid that my computer has been flagged for inappropriate photos because of teen mom's disregard for clothing.

Next is that apparently there is a purpose for boudoir pregnancy photos that I am missing. I mean do you hang them up? Do you save them in a drawer your children don't know about? I just imagine that day in 50-75 years when your kids and grandkids are going through all your things after you pass away and there these photos are, mom in a white thong and dad fondling her. They will laugh but who has the heart to take them or throw them away?

 Finally I want to say, yes if you put your hands together in the correct way they can make a heart. Hearts mean love and you love your baby and your significant other. But could we find a new trend that isn't heart hands over the stomach? Taylor Swift, and any tween with an Instagram, posts at least one a day. I don't fault anyone for jumping on the trend. And I am sure that there are infant photos that I will copy we just need to keep things fresh from time to time also.

These are just observations not an effort to change the world. I first and foremost hope that everyone does what they need to enjoy their pregnancy and make it memorable. Today for me that includes trying to get this spastic little girl's movements on video. She has been crazy active and has had the hiccups numerous times. From todays movement she is still laying across my stomach. The video is not working to upload right now :(

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